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Tamarac Elementary School

Principal's Message

September 2022

Dear Tamarac Community,

On behalf of the faculty and staff at Tamarac, welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! As we start the year, I would like to review a few items that will help make our school day run as smooth as possible.

ARRIVAL PROCEDURES: **(New School hours are 8:50 AM to 3:20 PM)
Arrive 8:45 - 8:55 AM
The school day begins at 8:50 AM

PLEASE NOTE: Students will not be allowed in the building until 8:45 AM when they will be able to be supervised by classroom teachers.

Upon arrival, Kindergarten students will disembark separately from other students and will be escorted to the Kindergarten wing entrance where they will be met by their teachers and aides.

WALKERS: All walkers will be dropped off at designated stopping points along Guy Barber Place. Security and other staff members will be there to escort/direct the students. PLEASE DO NOT DROP OFF AT ANY OTHER LOCATIONS, this has proven to be dangerous and disrupts the flow of drop-off traffic. Students should only cross along the crosswalk as walking in between buses is prohibited.

ENTRANCES: There will be 2 points of entry for our students.
Kindergarten Wing - Kindergarten students only
Main entrance - Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 - Grade levels will be staggered off the bus to avoid overcrowding.
Doors will shut promptly at 8:55 AM - If entering after 8:55 AM, parents will have to escort their child into the school building to sign in their child and fill out a late pass.

Dismiss 3:10 – 3:20 PM
Buses will depart at 3:25 PM
It is imperative to notify your child’s teacher of how the student will be dismissed. If you need to request a change in your child’s method of dismissal, you must send a note to your child’s teacher indicating that change. Teachers MAY NOT release a child from the dismissal line.

Students must ride their assigned bus home.

WALKERS: There will be two pick-up areas for walkers. Last names A-M will be dismissed at the cafeteria doors. Last names N-Z will be dismissed out of the next set of doors in the staff parking lot.

  • Please have your ID available when picking up your child.
  • The gates for this lot will be shut, please do not attempt to park in the staff parking lot.
  • Kindergarteners will be dismissed ahead of all other grades at approximately 3:10 PM.
  • All other grades will be dismissed at approximately 3:15 PM


EARLY RELEASE PROCEDURES: The school day ends at 3:20. Students leaving early MUST be picked up before 2:50 PM and be signed out with the monitor in the vestibule. A parent or parent’s designee picking up a child must present photo identification and sign the early dismissal book.

LUNCH/HOMEWORK ETC.: If your child should forget an item, they may be dropped off in the vestibule. Please make sure that the item is clearly labeled with the child’s name, class and teacher.

BIRTHDAY/PARTY ITEMS: We are strongly encouraging non-food items to be utilized for birthday celebrations. Birthday treats are allowed -- Please make sure they are store-bought, with clearly labeled ingredients. Visitors may bring them to the main entrance and the items will be delivered to the class.

Thank you for your assistance in keeping Tamarac safe and secure. I look forward to seeing everyone soon!

Brenda Almendarez-De Bello, Ed.D.