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Have A Question? 

The District has established procedures to respond effectively to questions and suggestions from parents and residents. The procedures start with the person closest to the situation, as it is that person that will have the most information. Because situations sometimes require that additional staff become involved in the conversations, we have tried to categorize here the major areas of interest, with a list for each area of those responsible. If you have questions pertaining to the school district or your child’s progress, please do not hesitate to contact us. We encourage any and all questions from parents and residents concerning school matters.



Classroom Issues Involving an Individual Child

(Classroom procedures, classroom behavior, grades, etc.)
For Grades K-5:    
Step 1 - Classroom teacher; if not resolved…
Step 2 - Building Principal; if not resolved
Step 3 – Patricia Trombetta, Superintendent of Schools

For Grades 6-12:
Step 1 - Classroom teacher; if not resolved…
Step 2 - Guidance Counselor; if not resolved…
Step 3 - Subject area chairperson; if not resolved…
Step 4 - Assistant Principal assigned to the student; if not resolved…
Step 5 - Building Principal; if not resolved…
Step 6 - Patricia Trombetta, Superintendent of Schools

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Curriculum Questions    

(Subject matter being taught, textbooks and materials used, etc.)    
For Grades K-5:    
Step 1 - Classroom teacher; if not resolved…    
Step 2 - Building Principal; if not resolved…
Step 3 - Danielle Moran, Director of Stem (Math and Science); if not resolved...
Step 4 - Marie O'Doherty, Director of Humanities (Social Studies and English); if not resolved…    
Step 5 – Patricia Trombetta, Superintendent of Schools    

For Grades 6-12:
Step 1 - Classroom teacher; if not resolved…
Step 2 - Subject area chairperson; if not resolved… 
Step 3 - Assistant Principal assigned to the student; if not resolved…
Step 4 - Building Principal; if not resolved…
Step 5 - Danielle Moran, Director of Stem (Math and Science); if not resolved...
Step 6 - Marie O'Doherty, Director of Humanities (Social Studie and English); if not resolved…    
Step 7 - Patricia Trombetta, Superintendent of Schools

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Health and Safety Concerns

Step 1 - Building Principal; if not resolved…
Step 2 - Andrew Larson, Assistant Superintendent for Student Support and Administration; if not resolved…
Step 3 - Patricia Trombetta, Superintendent of Schools

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Medical Concerns

For Grades K-5:
Step 1 - School Nurse; if not resolved…
Step 2 - Building Principal; if not resolved… 
Step 3 – Gary Beutel; Director of Athletics, Physical Education, Health and Health Services
Step 4- Patricia Trombetta; Superintendent of Schools

For Grades 6-12:
Step 1 - School Nurse; if not resolved…
Step 2 - Assistant Principal assigned to the student; if not resolved…
Step 3 - Building Principal; if not resolved…
Step 4 - Gary Beutel; Director of Athletics, Physical Education, Health and Health Services
Step 5- Patricia Trombetta; Superintendent of Schools

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Special Ed. Concerns/Special Needs

For Grades PK-5
Step 1 - Special Education Teacher/School Psychologist/Social Worker; if not resolved…
Step 2 - Building Principal; if not resolved…
Step 3 - Ms. Heather Shook, Administrator for Special Education; if not resolved… 
Step 4 - Mr. Eric Neithardt, Executive Director of Special Education; if not resolved…
Step 5 - Patricia Trombetta, Superintendent of Schools

For Grades 6-12
Step 1 - Special Education Teacher/School Psychologist/Social Worker; if not resolved…
Step 2 - Special Education Department Chairperson; if not resolved…
Step 3 - Assistant Principal assigned to the student; if not resolved…
Step 4 - Building Principal; if not resolved…
Step 5 - Ms. Beth Caruana, Administrator for Special Education; if not resolved… 
Step 6 - Mr. Eric Neithardt, Executive Director of Special Education; if not resolved…
Step 7 - Patricia Trombetta, Superintendent of Schools

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Transportation Concerns

(Pick up, route problems, etc.)
Step 1 - Mr. John Guarnieri, Transportation Supervisor; if not resolved...
Step 2 - Secondary - Assistant Principal assigned to the student; if not resolved...
Step 3 - Building Principal, if not resolved;
Step 4 - Mr. Ronald Sacks, School Business Administrator; if not resolved;
Step 5 - Michele Psarakis, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations; if not resolved;
Step 6 - Patricia Trombetta, Superintendent of Schools

Other Transportation Concerns

(Behavior on school bus, etc.)
Step 1 - Mr. John Guarnieri, Transportation Supervisor; if not resolved...
Step 2 - Secondary - Assistant Principal assigned to the student; if not resolved...
Step 3 - Building Principal, if not resolved;
Step 4 - Mr. Ronald Sacks, School Business Administrator; if not resolved;
Step 5 - Michele Psarakis, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations; if not resolved;
Step 6 - Patricia Trombetta, Superintendent of Schools

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Building Use and/or Facilities Concerns

Step 1 - Refer to district calendar dates for building use and facilities use informational sessions
Step 2 - Mr. Wayne Wilson, Security Director 
Step 3 - Michele Psarakis, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations; if not resolved;
Step 4 - Patricia Trombetta, Superintendent of Schools

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Budget Concerns/Questions

Step 1 - Mr. Ron Sacks, School Business Administrator; if not resolved; 
Step 2 - Michele Psarakis, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations; if not resolved;
Step 3 - Patricia Trombetta, Superintendent of Schools

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Athletic Concerns

Step 1 - Coach; if not resolved…
Step 2 - Mr. Gary Beutel, Athletic Director or Philip Torregrosa, Assistant Director; if not resolved…
Step 3 – Andrew Larson, Assistant Superintendent for Student Support and Administration; if not resolved…    
Step 4 - Patricia Trombetta, Superintendent of Schools

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Other After School Activities (Clubs, etc…)

For Grades K-5
Step 1 - Activity Advisor- if not resolved…
Step 2 - Building Principal; if not resolved…
Step 3 - Andrew Larson, Assistant Superintendent for Student Support and Administration; if not resolved…    
Step 4 - Patricia Trombetta, Superintendent of Schools

For Grades 6-12
Step 1 - Activity Advisor- if not resolved…
Step 2 - Assistant Principal assigned to the student; if not resolved…
Step 3 - Building Principal; if not resolved…
Step 4 - Andrew Larson, Assistant Superintendent for Student Support and Administration; if not resolved…        
Step 5 - Patricia Trombetta, Superintendent of Schools

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Child Care

Step 1 - On-Site Director; if not resolved...
Step 2 - SCOPE (631) 360-0800; if not resolved…
Step 3 - Andrew Larson, Assistant Superintendent for Student Support and Administration; if not resolved…    
Step 4 - Patricia Trombetta, Superintendent of Schools

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E School (Parent Portal)

For Grades K-5
Step 1 - Building Principal; if not resolved…
Step 2 - Susan Buchberg, Information Systems; if not resolved…
Step 3 – Melissa Veltre District Coordinator for Instructional Coaching and Data; if not resolved…    
Step 4 – Andrew Larson, Assistant Superintendent for Student Support and Administration; if not resolved…
Step 5- Patricia Trombetta, Superintendent of Schools
For Grades 6-12
Step 1 - Building Principal; if not resolved…
Step 2 - Guidance Counselor; if not resolved…
Step 3 - Susan Buchberg, Information Systems; if not resolved…
Step 4 - Melissa Veltre District Coordinator for Instructional Coaching and Data; if not resolved…    
Step 5 – Andrew Larson, Assistant Superintendent for Student Support and Administration; if not resolved…
Step 6- Patricia Trombetta, Superintendent of Schools

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Step 1 - Classroom teacher; if not resolved…
Step 2 - SCOPE (631) 360-0800; if not resolved…
Step 3 - Andrew Larson, Assistant Superintendent for Student Support and Administration; if not resolved…    
Step 4 - Patricia Trombetta, Superintendent of Schools

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Food Service Concerns

Step 1 - Lisa Zdenek, Food Service Director, if not resolved…
Step 2 - Michele Psarakis, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations, if not resolved…
Step 3 - Patricia Trombetta, Superintendent of Schools.

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Step 1 - Central Registration; if not resolved…
Step 2 - Andrew Larson, Assistant Superintendent for Student Support and Administration; if not resolved…    
Step 3 - Patricia Trombetta, Superintendent of Schools

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If a matter remains unresolved after the above steps have been followed, an appeal can be sought at the level of the Board of Education. The primary responsibility of the Board is to set board policy for the school district. The Superintendent and staff are legally empowered to administer the school district and to put into operation the policies and decisions of the Board of Education.

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